Annie Stout

Annie Stout




Knoxville, TN



Indiana University, 2020



Cranbrook Academy of Art, 2024


Annie Stout is a lens-based installation artist who moved to Saint Louis, MO after receiving her MFA of Sculpture at Cranbrook Academy of Art in May of 2024. As counterpoint to her own relationally maladaptive neurocomplexities, she creates mechanisms of connection: self-consciously embedded windows to psycho-quantum worlds where time jumps, paper breaths, light falls, and mentally ill projectors dream of making HOME here at the end times.


Artist Statement

There’s an infinity between zero and one, an endless recession of halves: half of half, half of a quarter, half of an eighth… .5, .25, .125, .0625, .03125… fractions whose place values expand forever as their corresponding quantities diminish toward nothing and never arrive. Pregnant voids between each number, blackholes between each step- bridged nonchalantly, unconsciously, the casual crossing of infinite interstices. 

Motions are made unbroken by discrete increments.

Destinations are reached regardless of the expanding vast between.

But sometimes its good to fall through…